Why we created Bitera?

2 min readMay 29, 2021


We believe in a future where decentralized protocols will replace institutions and companies, making the world much more efficient, fair and transparent.

One of the industries that will be revolutionized is the financial industry. DeFi grew much faster than what most of us imagined and it’s showing us the potential that this new technology has to disrupt the world.

Protocols like MakerDao will replace central banks.

Protocols like Aave and Compound will replace commercial credit banks.

Protocols like Uniswap will replace traditional exchanges.

Protocols like Yearn.finance will replace Hedge Funds.

Protocols like Balancer will replace Mutual Funds.

Protocols like Nexus Mutual will replace Insurance Companies.

Protocols, not companies or institutions that are run by people that can be corrupt, greedy, have hidden interest or even discriminate.

DeFi eliminates the middlemen.

DeFi diminishes human error.

DeFi makes rules transparent and unbreakable.

DeFi does not discriminate.

Leaving the dark dystopian theme aside, this video is a great expression of our vision:


With this in mind, we believe that stablecoins are the first stepping stone towards DeFi. A cryptocurrency that maintains an equal value to the most popular and trusted FIAT currency in the world, the US Dollar.

Not only are they a fundamental bridge to this new financial system, they are a perfect tool for solving real world problems in countries that suffer from poor monetary and economic policies. Devaluation, capital controls, lack of saving tools and high transaction costs cripple down people in emerging countries.

People in Venezuela, Lebanon, Argentina, Turkey, Nigeria and many other countries will greatly benefit with this technological tool.

This is why we decided to build the best stablecoin wallet in the world.

We choose DAI because it’s the biggest decentralized stablecoin and the Maker Protocol proved to be reliable in difficult market conditions.

And we decided to start in Latin America because it’s the continent which would most benefit from DAI, just look at Venezuela and Argentina.

Our fist mission is to help people in Venezuela, specially with their need to receive remittances from other countries.

We plan to integrate as many exchanges, payment processors, blockchains and layers as we can to make DAI as accesible and fluid as possible.

We will do our best to keep the user interface as friendly and simple as we can.

Will we add more cryptos? We are not sure yet. We think there is still a long way to go with stablecoin adoption. But we will do what

Let’s BUIDL the future!!!

*Credits to Jiwook Lee for the NFT Art.




Somos Bitera. Tu wallet en DAI, el dólar digital libre.